‘A Walk through the Himalayas’ - Quiz

The Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies is organising a  multimedia quiz for school students (participating in SNIOE's Young Thinkers Forum, Winter School 2024).  Through this exercise, the Centre aims to engage students with the wider Himalayan region and further develop their curiosity. Students will divided into 17 teams for this competition. There will be a preliminary round of elimination followed by a final of 4-5 teams.

About SNIoE's Young Thinkers Forum: The Young Thinkers Forum is a platform dedicated to guiding high school students, specifically those in grades 8th to 12th, on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. SNIoE's mission is to help young individuals identify their areas of interest and equip them with the knowledge and skills to pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career. Through dynamic programs, such as Masterclasses, weekend programs, summer schools, and winter schools, the university enables students to interact with distinguished professors who are experts in their respective fields.